He was so close, but he isn't home yet. Monday, April 21st my Dad, my Mom, my Husband and I left Visalia for Fort Lewis Washington to greet our son when he arrived on Tuesday, April 22nd. He was due in at 10:55 a.m.. We found that his flight was delayed until 2:55, so off to the hotel we headed for a little shut eye. We had driven straight through all night(15 hour drive) to get there on time and we were all exhausted. Back to the base we headed at 2:oo p.m. , after a quick stop for gas, we arrived to await the arrival of our son and others from the 66th MP company. After several delays and announcements the plane finally arrived. We were able to watch through a televised feed the plane touchdown and the unboarding of the troops. We looked at each soldier, there were over 100 on this flight, yet we couldn't find the face of our beloved son. Well, long story short we found out after 5 1/2 hours of waiting his arrival, he was bumped from this flight and now isn't due...